Man que sostén un mapamundi

International projects

International Educational Projects

One of the main objectives of the Universidade de Vigo within its internationalisation policy is to actively support the participation of the university community in international educational projects, to foster an inclusive international cooperation, the exchange of good practices, as well as build capacities and contribute to strategic networking. This is done, mainly in the framework of calls published by the European Union, the EACEA, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) or by the Xunta de Galicia regional government.


International Research Projects

The Universidade de Vigo actively participates in international research projects. You may obtain further information about the programmes, the calls and other initiatives here.

For further information about international projects in which Universidade de Vigo takes part, visit the website of the International Projects Office:

OPI web


Further information:

International Projects Office
Edificio Filomena Dato
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 130 287 | 986 813 954 | 986 812 052