TFG and TFM search engine

Mans de rapaz tecleando nu ordenador portátil

In accordance with the quality improvement actions set out in the funding plan for the Galician university system 2016-2020, the Universidade de Vigo created this specific space on the institutional web portal to offer members of our community and society as a whole, public information about the final degree and master's degree projects carried out at our institution.

This is a tool that will allow you to search by centre, by year of reading, or by word, and to find out the following information about each work: title, date of defence, direction, composition of the panel, faculty or school, summary of the content and keywords.

Search engine


The final degree project is a personal and original project, both in terms of title and content, which each student will carry out independently under the supervision of a lecturer. This project must enable students to demonstrate in an integrated manner the acquisition of the training contents and competences associated with the degree. In no case can it be a work previously presented by the interested person in any subject of any degree at the Universidade de Vigo or in any other academic institution, although it can integrate or develop work that has been previously done during the activities of other subjects of the degree.

Below, you will find specific information on the Universidade de Vigo's regulations for bachelor's and master's degree final projects. Their purpose is to unify the procedures that facilitate the projects’ development and administrative management; to ensure that, depending on the particular characteristics that the work has among the subjects of the degree, its integration into the structure of the studies is maintained; and to guarantee students that the preparation, defence, and assessment of their work can be carried out correctly:

Advice and training

The Language Standardisation Department provides students with a guide to improve the linguistic quality of written Galician in bachelor's and master's degree final projects. This guide is divided into several sections: linguistic observations; solutions to recurring errors; keys to improving the work; linguistic criteria adopted by the Universidade de Vigo; resources and I.T. tools; teaching material produced by the Language Standardisation Department and appendices resolving, through lists of terms, questions related to abbreviations, diacritical accents, foreign language inclusions, acronyms, the periodic table of the elements, and abstract and generic and collective terms referring to inclusive language:


Information on websites in faculties and schools 



Further information: 

Undergraduate Studies Management Service
Edificio Exeria
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 813 607 | 986 813 609

Postgraduate Studies Management Service
Edificio Filomena Dato
As Lagoas, Marcosende, s/n
+34 986 811 950