More services
IMPORTANT: Please return the duly completed form to the indicated address.
Request for network services
Request for mailing services and distribution lists
- Register for an email account
- Mail account renewal
- Mailing list request
- Activation of student email accounts
- Register student email account Adaptation courses
Name request (DNS)
Web space request
- Request for activation or modification of web space (
- Applications for institutional web portal (
Request for videoconference services
Request for telephony services
The Universidade de Vigo makes available to the entire university community a series of its own tools for teledocency:
This new platform, based on the latest stable version of Moodle, also provides a set of new features such as the integration of Turnitin software in course activities, the availability of an application with mobile notifications and access to offline content. In addition, it is a tool that will continue to evolve with more features such as integration with Remote Campus (which will make the mini-moods used last year unnecessary) or integration with future services of the Universidade de Vigo, such as the centralised identity system (SSO-Single Sign On).
The Faitic platform, with Claroline and Moodle, allows you to upload notes, take tests or hand in assignments, and also serves as an evaluation system. It will remain operational until the end of the academic year 2020/2021, with the following objectives for the migration to the new MooVi platform:
- If you are currently using Moodle in Faitic (no subjects will be created for this course), start using the new platform now, but you can migrate at your own pace the contents of previous courses that you have in Faitic.
- If you are using Claroline, you can continue using it for one more course if you wish, while you prepare yourself for the migration to the new platform.
Office 365
Universidade de Vigo also supports the Microsoft Teams tool, which is included in the Microsoft Office 365 suite, with a corporate license of the institution. Below we explain which services are available to you and how you can access them:
Archiving services
Virtual Private Disk Service
The Virtual Private Disk is intended for the storage of individual user data, and to allow users to share and send it to other users or external recipients (students, people related to the university, etc.) and to receive it from them.
PDI and PAS of the Universidade de Vigo
Characteristics of the service
- Share data with other connected users (shared space).
- Share data through links, protected or not by password, permanently or temporarily, with internal or external users at the Universidade de Vigo.
- Receive data from external or internal users with whom a folder has been shared.
- Authentication with university users (
- Username and password
- Access data to the Virtual Secretary: NIU, DNI, password
- FNMT certificate
- Web access or from devices (iOS, Android, desktop client, WebDAV).
Service limitations
- Disk space allocated per user: default space 5GB.
- The user is responsible for the data published.
- Backup copy maintained for up to 3 months, a weekly copy is guaranteed.
- Partial recoveries of user data are not guaranteed, only full recoveries to a given date.
Shared Folders Service
Positions of responsibility and PAS of the central services.
Currently only: (data from administrative units of the rectorate and data from research groups in CACTI).
- Windows Shared Folders.
- Folders are shared by all users belonging to a group or administrative unit.
- Groups established in the users' own directories.
- Groups corresponding to administrative units: service, area, department, department, vice-rectorate.
Service limitations
- The use of these folders is not contemplated for individual purposes, only to share data of the group or administrative unit.
- No data is processed or collected from this storage automatically or published in web spaces automatically.
- In general, integration with external devices or applications is not contemplated, this includes connection with scanners, printers, sending documents by mail, etc. If such connections exist, they are the responsibility of the user and ATIC is not responsible for their functioning.
- Backup copy maintained for up to 3 months, a daily (incremental) copy is guaranteed.
- Not valid for the storage of files that require a high level of security according to RD 1720/2007.
- The storage of: videos, sound files, multimedia is not allowed, except for justified exceptions for the use of the service.
- The service can only be provided to equipment with private IP address (RFC 1918) of the fixed network (not wifi) of the Universidade de Vigo.
Web hosting
Web hosting
The Universidade de Vigo has web spaces for users to locate personal pages, research group pages, events, courses, etc. It can also be used for websites of centres or departments, although for this use we recommend the institutional portal of the Universidade de Vigo, as it is a more controlled environment.
These spaces are associated to a user (of the type The activation of the associated web space can be requested through the web space portal.
To access these pages you can use an FTP, SFTP or WebDAV client, indicating your username and password. The web accounts are always associated with an email account (for example, has and as a web page).
The characteristics of this web hosting (features, limitations, conditions of use, application procedure) can be consulted from the web space portal.
Web redirections
A generic web page redirection service is provided to facilitate alternative accesses or migrations. This service allows you to redirect a domain under or (such as to a URL under another domain, for example
Limitations of the service
- HTTPS does not redirect: you can redirect but not
- The source URL plus the destination URL cannot exceed 220 characters.
- Only source URLs in / and DNS domains managed by ATIC are accepted.
- Only the following characters are allowed in the URL of the page to redirect and in the destination URL: letters (lowercase and lowercase), numbers, and the characters ". (full stop), "-" (hyphen), "/" (division) and "_" (subtracted).
- It is not case-sensitive (this can be a problem when redirecting to web pages hosted on Windows servers).
To request it you must apply to
- Domain or page to be redirected (e.g.
This service is not provided for- Addresses of the type
- Routes within the institutional web portal (
- URL á que se reenvian as peticiones (p.ex., ou
DNS Services
The Universidade de Vigo name service allows you to associate IP addresses in the range of addresses assigned to the Universidade de Vigo with domain names belonging to the domain or subdomains. The correct functioning of the name service is fundamental in the functioning of the network, making it necessary to follow some rules when assigning names to achieve this goal.
The indicated rules may undergo some modification if deemed necessary.
DNS Configuration
ATIC provides 2 DNS servers to be used by Universidade de Vigo users. These can only be used from computers located in the Universidade de Vigo's own network.
DNS name registrations, cancellations and modifications
DNS modification requests must be sent by email to
Requests must be sent from an account in the domain (of the type
Rules for DNS names
The inclusion of a name in the DNS of the domain is subject to the following conditions:
- That the IP address corresponding to this name belongs to the address space reserved by the Universidade de Vigo.
- That the IP address is assigned to a user by the computer services of the Universidade de Vigo and that the contact person is valid for this IP address (either the person to whom the IP address was assigned or the person in charge of the administration of the network to which this IP address belongs).
- The names must be valid names in the DNS name service, formed by the digits from 0 to 9, the letters from a to z and the "-" (hyphen). The first or last character of the name cannot be "-". Other characters are not valid, including usual characters such as "\" or "_".
- As a general rule, names with special characters (punycode) will not be created. In any case we do not recommend its use due to the name resolution problems that may arise.
- The minimum length of the names must be 3 characters, and the maximum length 24 characters (although it is recommended that they be shorter).
- The university reserves the right to include or not a name in the DNS, so that names that are considered incorrect or offensive will not be granted, and the user will be asked to reapply for registration in the DNS. This applies equally to names or aliases. In general, names that correspond to services directly under the domain "" (,, etc.) will not be accepted, as these are reserved for computer research services.
- The inclusion of DNS records and name servers under subdomains of will not be done in general, and is not recommended, as it requires users to manage their own DNS server, which rarely pays off.
Audiovisual, videoconferencing and multimedia services
At the Universidade de Vigo, and managed by ATIC, there are currently videoconference rooms located on different university campuses.
These rooms allow the possibility of teaching classes interactively by sharing the necessary applications. These rooms require computers on which students can work.
The planning will be carried out after filling in the videoconference request form, with the aim of obtaining an optimal solution to the request made.
Users who make use of this service must comply with the rules.
The remote teaching equipment consists of audiovisual media, encoding and decoding equipment, electronic enclosures and a set of computers for students to carry out their practical work.
In addition, Universidade de Vigo has three integrated mobile systems, one in each campus called POLYCOM, which performs the necessary functions to establish a videoconference or multiconference.
Traditional IP/ISDN Videoconferencing
Videoconferencing systems allow interactive communication between people in different locations. It is the transmission of video and voice in real time. Thus, people participating in the videoconference can communicate as if they were in the same room.
In addition to other applications, videoconferencing can be considered as a tool that can be used in the field of distance education.
Teledistance learning integrates information and communication technologies in the field of education, with the aim of carrying out educational activities. At the same time, there is the possibility of sharing applications and explanations without the need to restrict ourselves to viewing and listening to people located in remote places. Thus, the transmission of data, video and voice is integrated in the same medium, so that a simultaneous connection can be obtained in real time, allowing the exchange of information between distant people geographically.
Videoconference rooms
- Vigo: meeting room of the Computer Services (central library), 5 seats.
- Vigo: AG room of the central library, 15-20 seats
- Ourense: Faculty of Law - Business Studies, 8-10 seats
- Pontevedra: Faculty of Social Sciences, 10-15 seats
AccessGrid massive videoconference
The Universidade de Vigo has set up three AccessGrid rooms, one for each of its three campuses.
AccessGrid can be used as a videoconferencing system that allows participants from multiple locations to communicate in real time through the internet.
The AccessGrid system can interact with an indeterminate number of locations, both in Spain and the rest of the world. It allows the possibility of simultaneously uploading live audio and video, work documents and complex scientific images, such as those obtained from sources like electron microscopes or satellites.
This technology allows the group of participants to choose and see each other, while sharing work documentation, in real time and without delays. This provides the opportunity to work together without the inconvenience of having to travel to other parts of the country or the world to attend these meetings.
- It makes it possible to hold meetings/presentations in the same room.
- It enables collaboration with other groups of people, both in Spain and in other parts of the world that have a room with this technology.
- It has the capacity to allow the use of other technologies in meetings, such as PowerPoint slide presentations.
- It provides an environment in which the microphones do not need to be pressed, so that the "feeling" of being together in the same "virtual" room is created.
- It allows the visualisation of a work desk with a surface of 3072 x 768 pixels.
Videoconference rooms
- Vigo: AG room of the central library, 15-20 seats.
- Ourense: audio-visual room of the central library (2nd floor), 25-30 seats
- Pontevedra: room AG of the Faculty of Social Sciences (seminar 5, 1st floor), 10-15 seats
Uvigo-TV is an internet television service provided by the Area of Information and Communication Technologies (ATIC) of the Universidade de Vigo.
It brings together all the Universidade de Vigo's internet video transmission services, and makes educational and institutional audiovisual content available to university users, according to the video on demand system or in live transmissions.
Uvigo-TV, as a corporate television on the Internet, allows the live transmission of events to the entire Universidade de Vigo network or to the entire Internet, if desired.
Its reception is done through the personal computer with the same ease as viewing a web page. This system also allows these events to be recorded and made available on demand through the Uvigo-TV video library.
There are many multimedia applications for videoconferencing, but the ones that are really important in the field of education are the following:
- Tele-training
- Student-teacher meetings in order to be able to cover tutorial hours.
- Two-way or multidirectional exchange of information between remote users.
- Classes given by one or more educators to one or more groups of students.
- Collaboration between students at a distance.
- Teleworking
- The resolution of projects oriented towards teaching or research can be carried out through meetings between its members.
- Remote communication with experts
- The possibility of meeting with experts in a given subject without the need for unnecessary travel.