Time to say goodbye

End of Stay
When your stay is over but before you return home, it is important that you inform us of your departure date so that we can prepare and email you and your home university your Certificate of Stay.
As for the Transcript of Records corresponding to the doctorate program you have taken at the Universidade de Vigo, we will also send it to you and your university by email. It will be signed with a digital signature, which is an official and verifiable signature, so it is not necessary to issue the document on paper. It will be issued at the Postgraduate Studies Management Service.
If you have taken an additional course (e.g. Centre of Languages) do not forget to request the corresponding diploma before your departure.
Additional information about mobility and other researcher needs can be found at:
- Guidelines for the management of the mobility of the foreign researcher in Spain 2017
- EURAXESS Spain Information & Assistance