Andrés Rodríguez Seijo
Investigador/a Juan De La Cierva
Curriculum Vitae
I've a PhD at Universidade de Vigo (UVigo) (Spain), in the soil science area. My PhD thesis (2013-16) supervised by Dra. Maria Luisa Andrade Couce and Dra. Maria Flora Alonso Vega was focused on the behaviour of heavy metals pollution in soils (especially lead) and the application of remediation strategies in those soils. In Nov 2017, I joined the Universidade do Porto (Portugal) as an integrated researcher at GreenUPorto (Jan18-Feb19). In March 2019, I moved to CIIMAR&FCUP-UP as FCT Junior independent researcher under an international competitive process. In 2022, i moved again to Universidade de Vigo as Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación researcher under an int. competitive process. Currently, I am working on three research lines. First, I'm using Fe-NMs as metal scavengers and improving the crop tolerance to agricultural soils polluted by industrial activities. Besides, I have other research lines focused on soil ecotoxicology to assess metal availability to soil biota. Finally, since three years ago, I've focused on evaluating the impact of conventional/biodegradable MPs on agricultural soils, with a holistic approach, from the effect of MPs on soil properties to the ecotoxicological effects on soil biota, such as earthworms and microbial activities. I'm author/co-author of 29 WoS publications, 8 book chapters, i have been participated in 6 research projects at national and international level, and I'm academic editor at PloS One and editorial board member of 4 WoS journals.
Titulación | Materia | Nome | Carác. | Horas |
O01G261V01 | G261921 | Avaliación e conservación de solos | OP | 42 |
O01G261V01 | G261927 | Xestión e conservación da auga | OP | 19 |
O01G281V01 | G281504 | Fitotecnia | OB | 8 |
O01M142V01 | M142203 | Química dos Produtos Fitosanitarios | OP | 5 |
O01M142V01 | M142119 | Contaminación Mariña e Ecotoxicoloxía | OP | 3 |
O01M142V01 | M142210 | Bioclimatoloxía de Prantas de Interese Económica | OP | 3 |
O01M142V01 | M142210 | Bioclimatoloxía de Prantas de Interese Económica | OP | 3 |
Titulación | Materia | Nome | Carác. | Horas |
O01M142V01 | M142203 | Química dos Produtos Fitosanitarios | OP | 5 |
O01M142V01 | M142205 | Avaliación da Transferencia de Contaminantes Atmosféricos ao Sistema Planta-Solo-Auga | OB | 2 |
O01M142V01 | M142227 | Traballo de Fin de Máster | OB | 5 |
O01G261V01 | G261921 | Avaliación e conservación de solos | OP | 33 |
O01G261V01 | G261927 | Xestión e conservación da auga | OP | 23 |
O01G041V01 | G041913 | Viticultura | OP | 14 |
O01M142V01 | M142210 | Bioclimatoloxía de Prantas de Interese Económica | OP | 3 |
Titulación | Materia | Nome | Carác. | Horas |
O01M142V01 | M142210 | Bioclimatoloxía de Prantas de Interese Económica | OP | 3 |
O01G281V01 | G281504 | Fitotecnia | OB | 16 |
O01G261V01 | G261925 | Degradación e restauración de ecosistemas acuáticos | OP | 28 |
O01G261V01 | G261927 | Xestión e conservación da auga | OP | 19 |
O01G041V01 | G041913 | Viticultura | OP | 14 |
Titulación | Materia | Nome | Carác. | Horas |
V02G030V01 | G030902 | Análise e diagnóstico medioambiental | OP | 16 |